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Hong Kong Wins 2026 Lions International Convention

Hong Kong Wins 2026 Lions International Convention

Hong Kong has secured the hosting right of the prestigious Lions International Convention in 2026, one of the world's largest service club events. With an estimated 20,000 attendees from over…

Children’s park attract all aged people in Kurigram

Children’s park attract all aged people in Kurigram

The children’s park with setting up artificial animals and fishes attracts to all walks of lives who are rushing towards the children’s park to Kurigram’s Ghogadaha union every day with…

Sun flower cultivation gaining popularity in Kurigram

Sun flower cultivation gaining popularity in Kurigram

The sun flower cultivation is gaining popularity in Kurigram district as the best alternative cash crop. One farmer Nural Haque has been succeed cultivating sun flower instead of other crops.…

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